The Importance of Women Staying at Home & Taking Care of Their Families

The traditional role of man and woman still applies to many families. However, this is more the exception than the rule in most families today. This pattern goes back thousands of years when women would take care of the children and home, where men would hunt for food, bringing home the meat. What people don’t realize is that there is a proper role for each gender in the traditional family setup, and even though women are becoming more successful in today’s world, they should still stick to their old roles because the benefits are more valuable than any salary.

There’s no doubt that women have come a long way in the last century.. Many women have jobs now and can take care of themselves and their children. The most important thing that women need to understand is that they cannot be super-moms and super-executives at the same time. You just can’t ( Watch my Youtube video for more on this.) Love you ladies, but we know this is extremely strenuous. Even if you can be both, you will never be either one as well as you could if you gave 100 percent of your energy to one or the other. Okay, maybe not 100 but MORE time not equal time allotted to each. Jobs demand so much of your time and energy that dedicating time to your children is exponentially more difficult. The idea of cooking or playing with your children is exhausting after an 8-hour workday. I’ve been there.

So what happens if we start to shift the mindset from “I need to make sure I have a great career” to be successful, and instead say, “I need to make sure I have a great family.” Being a mom, a stay- at home mom, is a NOBLE job. You’re raising the next generation of our humans!

Would you rather go to work for some other man or woman, to pay some other woman to raise your children? Would you rather do one more excel spreadsheet, or hold your baby as it smiles at you? Why do you want that big job? Is it ego-driven? Death is a great equalizer and these material things you are chasing in exchange of the meaningful moments won’t be what you wish you had more of as you take your last breath.

It is natural for women to be nurturers and men protectors and providers, why must we insist on going against nature?

You may think I need to get with the times, but these are the times where divorce is at an all-time high. Sexes have been diluted, and we have regressed in how we operate as a nuclear family.

The way we are heading is not progressive to moms and the family unit.

In recent years, we have seen a shift from parents commuting to work and spending so much time away from home, to families having to stay at home. This shift has allowed moms who would’ve run out of time from maternity leave to spend time with their children at home. This means an increase in positive behavioral development, increased language development, and many more positive outcomes! Furthermore, society needs to stop negatively judging women who choose a full-time homemaker role as a career and let them continue doing something they are superb at. They are genuinely the most invaluable resource any family can have because they will make sure their children grow up into amazing people.

From a financial standpoint, a woman staying at home can be the most beneficial thing for families because it is cheaper to care for your own children. I have done then math and I have listened to my peers, often you’re working to basically pay for childcare. If you still think it’s “too expensive” assess how you are spending your finances. How much of the stuff you buy do you NEED, versus WANT? In exchange for spending time with your little ones.

A woman should not let their family fall apart because of a career. If you must “work” in the traditional way (homemaking is work), find other ways to make money, and return home to build a stronger relationship with your family. Your children will appreciate it more than anything in the world.

Written by a Member of the Marie L Paquin Team