How The Mainstream Media Censors The Truth

You’re probably very curious why Liberals, the mainstream media, and other large institutions like Hollywood continue to censor and demean conservative beliefs.

Conservatives are portrayed as racist, homophobic, and hate-mongers by many liberal news media outlets. Media and news are a far cry from the informative days of old. Now the media is typically owned by one person, a wealthy family, or a corporation that only seeks sensationalism and profits. Their media empire supports liberal candidates and liberal causes, portrays liberals more positively than conservatives. They don’t hold liberals accountable for their words and actions, and see themselves as an elite class that believes it knows what’s best for the rest of us.

This sort of blatant bias is not surprising when we look at some of the individuals who occupy senior positions at major news outlets. You don’t have to search for long to see many examples of influential democrats in the mainstream media today. Former Obama adviser Van Jones is a prominent voice and has hosted many of his shows on CNN. Twice acting Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Donna Lease Brazile, is an American political strategist, campaign manager, and political analyst and is currently an ABC News contributor. Former Disney and ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood. CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, and NBC News all employ people who, one way or another, have worked in Democratic politics. Let’s not forget that journalists are human beings who, of course, have personal views. There isn’t inherently anything wrong with having personal opinions, but these are some of the people in charge of deciding what news is important to you. These individuals are not unbiased and have a history of being connected explicitly to the Democratic Party. This informs their decisions because they have relationships and deeper connections to the party’s interests.

News used to be an informational medium. A place where you could read the things that happened, typically from primary sources like witnesses and officials. There was less opinion mixed in, and people could trust the information because it was presented factually. Now we see a lot of “talking heads” giving their ideas about topics that they have no expertise in. This was journalism.

And now the “talking heads” are the only ones that are allowed to have an opinion and they shut down anyone with a platform who opposes their opinion.

A personal example is that social media keeps taking down my videos about conservative views, even though I discuss things in peace. I don’t even say mean or disrespectful things but it goes against the rhetoric and they take me down. We’ve seen similar circumstances with influential figures like Donald Trump getting permanently banned from Twitter, and many other conservative voices like his. Conservative voices are being suppressed and it’s becoming clearer every day. Facebook is another culprit of silencing conservative voices and so is twitter. This trend of silencing conservatives is clear as day, and we need to make sure we call out the platforms that continue to do so.

Tolerating different points of view is difficult when you have been taught one way of thinking your entire life. People who have not had an opportunity to hear conservative ideas often have difficulty understanding the reasoning behind traditional policies.

When it comes to mainstream media and Hollywood, conservatives are often treated as an afterthought. The media is supposed to inform the public. They are also considered unbiased, but that is not what is happening today. The media consistently attacks conservative values while promoting liberal ideals. Because of this, millions of people have lost trust in the mainstream media. So, where do we turn to to find the news?

Left-leaning liberals for generations have primarily dominated the mainstream media. If we want both voices to honestly be heard and have any real hope of overcoming censorship from the mainstream media, social media, and Hollywood we’re going to have to do it ourselves. First, we must feel free to speak out against these injustices. We must stand up to the media and Hollywood’s unfair portrayal of conservatives. Next, I encourage you to learn what your favorite conservative outlets are and then take a couple of minutes each day to open up those sites and read them.

Push back against their censorship and fight for their freedom of speech.
Written by a member of the Marie L Paquin Team